Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bowling with the Boys

Well I got my ASS SPANKED by a 12 year old. I bowled a 118 and David bowls a 209. I am so proud of him. And Damon bowled a 169 so proud of him too. But the best part of yesterday was there attitude the boys were on the ball, I am so proud of them both.


Anthony broke is right arm on 9-7-07 at 4:00p.m.


 Well on Monday Anthony hit another milestone in his life. Anthony can now stand up all by himself, no help from anyone or anything.


The Birds

Well I tucked Abby in bed than Anthony and that's when I seen it Dorothy, Tinman, & Ming-Ming had died. So we are down to the 6 year old goldfish Hope that was won by Abby at the fair, and my 9 year old cat Tigger. I wonder how the kids are going to take this one?


Tony bowled a 300 on 1-19-07 this is his 3rd one


Poor Abby when she wakes up I have to tell her that Sandy  (her first bird) died. This is her first pet that died but atleast she still has Ming-Ming, Tinman, and Dorothy her other birds. And that damn fish Hope that she won at a fair 5 years ago and the cat Tigger that keeps trying to eat them all.

Thanks Mary

Thanks Mary if you had not helped me with myspace it would still look like crap. xoxo

Well I was boared and could not sleep it happens like that alot so I started looking up people I knew from my past. Well I guess it's true just about everybody is on myspace. I sent a couple of people a message and than there were some that I wanted to but....we all know how that goes. I'm not sure if they would even want to hear from me because of the person I use to be. So if they want to talk to me they will have to make the first move.

So anyway the kids are back in school and I get a couple hours a day of me and Tigger time which is good for both of us. Abby's two top teeth are going to fall out soon, and Anth learned to spell his last name. Took Anth 2 weeks to learn it and only took me 1 1/2 years. Damn Polocks

The kids and I have been going to the mall with my mom alot, the walking seems to be helping her I guess, but if Nana keeps taking them kids in the Disney Store shes gonna go broke. But she's Nana she's allowed that's what I keep hearing anyway

November Is Good

         Well Anthony took his first steps by himself on my birthday 11-12-06  at 3 1/2 years old. With his Arthrogryposis doctors thought he would not even be able to do that until he was at least 5 years old. What a wonderful birthday present that was now if I could just stop the happy tears from falling.

          Abby brought home all As and Bs on her reportcard. I am so proud of her.

          Tony bowled a 300 on 11-17-06 what a good month November has been.